1 | 有些人虽然顶着共产主义者的称号,却对于现在要做的社会主义事业表现很少兴趣。 | Some people are supposed to be Communists, but they show hardly any interest in the socialist tasks that have to be undertaken now | |
2 | 在我校,化学还是自然科学中的灰姑娘,几乎一点也未引起重视. | Chemistry is the Cinderella of the science in our school; it gets hardly any attention at all. | |
3 | ||1:此广告播出五天前,现已被意大利菲亚特收购的克莱斯勒,通报了自2008年至今最高的一月份销售额,比去年同期增长了44%。||2:第二天,公司宣布将雇佣1800名工人去伊利诺斯州贝尔维戴尔制造新款道奇Dart汽车。||3:好消息并不仅仅局限于克莱斯勒一家公司。||4:整个汽车产业一月份售出一百二十万辆汽车,远远超越预期,比去年十二月份销量增长4%。 | ||1:Five days before its ad aired, Chrysler, now part of Italy’s Fiat, reported its best January sales since 2008, up 44% from a year earlier.||2:The next day it announced it would hire 1,800 people at a plant in Belvidere, Illinois, to build its new Dodge Dart.||3:The good news is hardly confined to Chrysler.||4:The auto industry as a whole sold 1.2m vehicles in January, many more than expected, and a 4% increase from December. | |
4 | ||1:尽管看上去预算紧缺对联邦政府其它项目的影响要大于对退役士兵所享服务的影响,但随着大量劳动力的涌入,伴随而来的还有预算紧张。||2:虽然对于加入军队健康保险计划Tricare的退役士兵来,支付费用有小幅上调,但大幅削减退伍士兵的待遇是不可能的。||3:说起来军队待遇远说不上慷慨,各种津贴林林总总,但数额都不大,得到也绝非易事。||4:为津贴是一个热门在线论坛,帮助退役士兵如何在退伍士兵事务部(简称VA)办理各项事宜。||5:该网站叫HadIt.com(受够了.com)不是没有原因的。 | ||1:And of course it is also occurring in fiscally straitened times, though it looks as though this will affect veterans’ services less than other parts of the federal government.||2:Though there have been some small fee increases for veterans covered by Tricare, the military health-insurance programme, significant cuts to veterans’ benefits are unlikely, and for good reason.||3:Military pay is far from generous, and the benefits are comprehensive but hardly gold-plated or easy to navigate.||4:Not for nothing is a popular online forum for veterans wending their way through the bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) called HadIt.||5:com. | |
5 | ||1:美国联邦最高法院对’’柔伊对韦德”的判决距今已很久远,当时的结果是,女性有权利堕胎。||2:然而,政客们正在尝试运用更多办法来限制人去堕胎。||3:这样的努力放到华盛顿基本上是毫无希望的,因为那里的民主党人掌控着参议院。||4:然而,去年众议院的共和党人努力永远禁止资助堕胎(一条年度修订案已经也这样做了。||5:)他们对待美国计划生育联盟的态度一样,后者在美国各地都有提供堕胎的医疗诊所。||6:这些共和党人甚至反对由脾气好的女权主义者理查德.尼克松开创的计划生育项目的集资。 | ||1:The Supreme Court long ago ruled, in Roe v Wade, that women have the right to an abortion.||2:Politicians, however, are testing more ways to limit access to one.||3:Such efforts have little hope in Washington, DC, where Democrats control the Senate.||4:Nevertheless, last year Republicans in the House of Representatives tried to bar funding for abortions permanently (a yearly amendment already does as much).||5:They tried to do the same for Planned Parenthood, a chain of health clinics that offer abortions.||6:They even voted to bar funding for a family-planning programme created by Richard Nixon, hardly a raging feminist. | |
6 | ||1:在美国,一月是各州首府繁忙的月份:新法的实施事宜;为了能有更多的法律出台,国会和立法机构会议反复召开。||2:如若有一政党孤立沦为少数,那么将来的事情就不好办。||3:对于不支持堕胎的人来说,堕胎这一议题的形势对他们最有利不过了:自一月起,在阿肯色州,堕胎服务提供者必须遵循新的检查规定。||4:本月初,犹他州和内布拉斯加州出台法律宣布个人医疗保险计划不涉及堕胎。||5:这些法律伴随着去年颁布的一系列堕胎措施而来,已经开始实行起来。||6:政客们纷纷回归首府,随之而来的是更多的对堕胎的限制措施。 | ||1: JANUARY is a busy month in capitals across America. New laws are implemented; Congress and legislatures reconvene, hoping to pass more. ||2: If one’s political party is in the minority, this is a terrifying prospect. ||3: For opponents of abortion, the outlook could hardly be sunnier. As of January, for example, abortion providers in Arkansas must follow new rules for inspections. ||4: Beginning this month, Utah and Nebraska bar private health plans from covering abortion. ||5: These laws follow an avalanche of abortion measures, passed last year, that are already in effect. ||6: As politicians return to capitals, more restrictions may come. | |
7 | ||1:这场统一“实验”的基地并不是在实验室。||2:其中也有许多从东德迁移到西德的女性。||3:这些地区在其他许多方面也存在差异——例如,东德地区的人均收入较低——这也影响了女性的工作时长。||4:不过,即便高墙已倒,这段插曲仍彰显了政策的力量和态度的耐力。 | ||1:The unification "experiment" hardly took place in laboratory conditions.||2:Many women migrated from east to west.||3:The regions differ in many other respects—incomes per head are lower in the east, for instance—that also affect the number of hours women work.||4:But the episode still says something about the power of policy and the endurance of attitudes, long after walls are torn down. | |
8 | “乘客将几乎听不到任何发动机的噪音,”Krein说,“地上的人们同样收益。” | "Passengers will hear hardly any engine noise, " Krein says, "and the same goes for people on the ground. " | |
9 | OECD(经济合作发展组织)表示很难找到其他国家的移民像德国的移民教育水平如此的低。 | The OECD says that there is hardly any other country in which immigrants have such a low level of education as in Germany. | |
10 | TheaHilhorst做了在贝宁,布基纳法索和尼日尔的99个小的项目的调查,结果显示“几乎没有任何”创造任何农村的就业机会。 | A survey by Thea Hilhorst of 99 smaller projects in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger reported "hardly any " rural job creation. | |
11 | 办理入境和通关轻而易举:检查进行得迅速、高效,几乎不用等行李。 | Going through immigration and customs is a breeze: checks are done speedily and efficiently with hardly any waiting for luggage. | |
12 | 北京,中国(CNN)——旧中国几乎没有任何关于婚姻和家庭生活问题的混乱。 | Beijing, China (CNN) -- There was hardly any confusion about marriage and family life in old China. | |
13 | 不过,这些项目几乎都还没有投产。 | But hardly any of these projects have gone on stream. | |
14 | 从很多方面来说,时间是我们拥有的最宝贵的东西。但是我们大部分人对待时间好像它几乎没有价值一样。 | In many ways, time is the most precious thing that we have. Yet most of us treat our time as though it has hardly any value at all. | |
15 | 但几乎没有有影响的美国大学会为中介机构付费。 | But hardly any important American institution will pay intermediaries. | |
16 | 但其他人认为税收几乎不会对房价产生影响,因为在城市化过程中住房需求一直旺盛。 | But others argue the tax would make hardly any difference to house prices, because of China’s huge demand for housing as it urbanises. | |
17 | 岛上几乎没有一颗树,也没有淡水,但这不算什么问题。 | There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. | |
18 | 到了你几乎看不清细节的时候再往回走点。 | Keep going until you see hardly any detail at all. Then back off some. | |
19 | 而底层的50%手中基本上没有任何资本。 | The bottom 50% control hardly any capital at all. | |
20 | 很少有中国发明家有寻求国外专利的想法 | Hardly any Chinese inventors seek to patent their ideas abroad | |
21 | 换句话说,含氧量下降到20.7%几乎不会有多大的差别。 | In other words, a fall to 20. 7 per cent would make hardly any difference. | |
22 | 几乎没有任何建筑物被挖掘,部分原因是他们提出了石灰石和类似,易腐材料; | Hardly any buildings have been excavated, partly because they were made of limestone and similar, perishable material; | |
23 | 几乎没有剩余的咖啡了。 | e. g. There’s hardly any coffee left. =There’s almost no coffee left. | |
24 | 鉴于在信贷市场失效的情况下,货币政策的牵引力很微弱,可以说德国经济几乎没有获得任何支持。 | Since monetary policy has little traction when credit markets are dysfunctional, there is hardly any support at all. | |
25 | 将其应用于铁耗计算中,所得出的结果非常接近于实际值。 | Parameters are used in predicting iron loss, there is hardly any discrepancy between the computed and the measured results. | |
26 | 她的中右翼联盟就连商界忠诚的拥护者都感到失望,而且几乎没有推行任何改革。 | Her centre-right coalition has disappointed even loyal advocates in the business community, and delivered hardly any reforms. | |
27 | 解放前,沙市几乎没有什么工业。 | There was hardly any industry in Shashi before liberation. | |
28 | 尽管今年头三个月几乎没有任何发行交易,但2009年高收益率债券的发行仍筹集了1710亿美元资金。 | Although hardly any deals were done in the first three months of this year, high-yield bond issues in 2009 have still brought in $171bn. | |
29 | 尽管这样说,这项宏伟计划的蓝本并不赚钱。 | For all the talk, this grand strategic stuff makes hardly any money yet. | |
30 | 捐赠者和受捐人在这个链条的两端,并且二者很难直接沟通。 | The beneficiaries and the donors are at the other ends of the chain - there is hardly any contact between those two ends. |